Frequently Asked Questions
How are Southern Bluefin Tuna caught?
Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) are caught using purse seine in South Australia.
On the east coast of Australia they are caught by pelagic long liners.
In the past SBT were caught using the poling method, but this stopped in the early 1980’s.
Recreational fisherman also catch SBT using rod and reel.
Where are Southern Bluefin Tuna ranched or farmed?
Southern Bluefin Tuna are ranched in the pristine waters of the Lower Spencer Gulf, South Australia.
They are held offshore in pontoons on lease sites, which are between 10km and 40km from Port Lincoln.
Locations of lease sites can be obtained from the Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) public register.
What do Southern Bluefin Tuna eat?
Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) eat many different kinds of baitfish.
In the ranched environment, approximately 80% of the diet fed to SBT are locally caught Sardines.
Sardines are sustainably harvested from waters in Spencer Gulf and the Great Australian Bight. They are also a natural food source for tuna in the wild.
Australian Sardine Sardinops sagax
Remaining dietary requirements for SBT are met through imported baitfish.
Fish are fed a mixture of frozen and fresh baitfish. Feed may be given to SBT through frozen block feeding, syphoning, bait spinners, shovel or though a shore controlled automated bait delivery system.
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